在岁月的长河中,人的生命只是其中的一点停顿,若想让停顿成为永恒,便要与现实搏斗,人们不会怜悯不努力的弱者,人们只会去尊重强者。而没有了生命怎么去奋斗?空谈!在你的生命中出现了一个可以依恋的人时,你会发现,世界真的很美好,天空是那么的蓝,大地是那么的广;会明白在这个世界上,自己曾经是多么孤独的漂流者,才会知道在这个世界上 ……此处隐藏13873个字……ave what reason to give up this precious life?But let us fall into the following exale of ditation. In riverside ddle school of the students, due to the narrow feet pants was sent off, and ehatically to lay down their lives, and even end their lives, and this is ignorance, he gave up his life, he never wizard that put up to feed his parents?There are those who loved hiand were placed in what position?Maybe he never thought of these people, so he de a regret less.
Life is a gift of nature, nature is the st brilliant sterpiece between heaven and earth. Of course, life is fragile, do not take care to cocktail party six. So, to those who love you, because of the unknown future, would you please strong.
Life is a racle, isn't it?